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last updated 21-08 - 2024

Travel conditions

Introductory provisions/Definitions

In the ThaiGuide4U general travel conditions, the following definitions are used with the meanings stated below:
Travel organizer we or us The company 
ThaiGuide4U  C0.,Ltd. 

Traveler: you or your.The person who enters into the travel agreement, and all persons on whose behalf he/she enters into the travel agreement.

Travel Agreement: the agreement under which 
ThaiGuide4U undertakes to its counterparty to provide a travel product offered by it from the current offer.

Travel price: the total price of your booking.

Working day: all days of the year with the exception of Sundays and official holidays

Border documents: passport, identity card and visa.

Travel documents: the invoice for your trip, the booking confirmation, the flight ticket(s) and any additional information that we send to you between the booking and the day of departure.We send all documents by e-mail.

Travel offer: the offer, including description and price offer of all trips, as offered by 
Travel Tour Asia via its website .

Service provider/supplier: a party that we use in the execution of the trip, such as a hotel, an airline or a local agent.

Individual tour: a trip organized by 
ThaiGuide4U consisting of transport, accommodation and excursions.

Child: unless otherwise stated, a child aged two years or older.

1.0 Accommodation: hotels and other accommodations in the travel offering.The description of the hotels and other accommodations in the travel offer has been drawn up as objectively as possible.The photos in the travel offer are only indicative of the furnishings, dimensions and/or views.
ThaiGuide4U uses the classification as assigned by the relevant local authorities.This does not always correspond to the European classification and may differ per destination.

1.1 Care: the meals in the travel offer.Most overnight stays are on a bed and breakfast basis.Under the heading 'included' you will see the meals that we have included in the price for each tour.

1.2 Car rental: some of the trips are offered with car rental.In that case, in addition to the Travel Conditions and the general terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions of the car rental company also apply.

1.3 Luggage: hold luggage and hand luggage on the flights we offer.There is a baggage allowance for checked baggage on all domestic flights offered by us.This baggage allowance varies per airline.There are also differences per route.The guidelines for hand luggage also differ per airline


2.0 Create your own trip

You can customize and put together all individual tours yourself.All bookings you make are given the status 'requests'.More information about the booking can be found under the heading 'booking and payment'.


3.0 Privacy and copyright

Thaiguide4U complies with the Personal Data Protection Act and takes the utmost care in safeguarding your privacy.
Nothing from our website and other media, as well as these General Terms and Conditions of Travel, may be reproduced, stored in an automated database, or made public without the prior written permission of 
In accordance with the Travel Offers Advertising Code, we use correct and clear prices, including unavoidable costs known at the time of publication.All our travel prices are published including flight and ticket taxes such as airport tax, security surcharge and fuel tax.Prices of flights, among other things, are constantly changing.The prices of our trips have not been checked for timeliness and availability of the flights offered.


4.0 Accessibility

ThaiGuide4U can be reached by telephone ( +66 (0) 909535631  English language or +66 (0) 909535631 Thai language during office hours.In the event of an emergency, a  ThaiGuide4U employee is always available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
E-mail: or



5.0 Make a booking

Minors are not allowed to make a booking via our website.If a minor wants to make a booking, he must prove that his parent(s) or guardian(s) have given permission for this.
It is prohibited to make a booking or register under a false name or (e-mail) address.We are entitled to cancel the travel agreement in the event of bookings made in violation of this paragraph, whereby we will reimburse you for the travel sum already paid after deduction of costs incurred by us.


Booking on request

Your booking has the status 'request'.What does 'request' mean?
We do not have the components of the tour you have chosen, such as intercontinental flights, local flights, hotels and local transport, in stock, and the prices of the intercontinental and local flights components have not been checked for current events.
ThaiGuide4U will request the current availability and price from our suppliers immediately after your booking.A booking with the status 'request' is a definitive booking.
After booking we will contact you personally as soon as possible.We immediately start 'requests' from our suppliers.If all parts of your tour booking are available and the price corresponds to the booking overview on the website and to the booking confirmation that we send you by email after booking, we will book those parts with the supplier and you will receive an invoice and a final overview of the booking.
If not all parts of your tour booking are available and/or the current price is different from that stated in the booking confirmation, we will contact you again immediately.We will then discuss the consequences for your tour booking with you.In that case, a definitive booking will only be made if you agree to the consequences for your tour booking.If you agree, you will receive an invoice from us and a final overview of the booking.
If a booking with the status 'request' is withdrawn by the traveler before the entire booking has been approved,
ThaiGuide4U is forced to charge $ 48/€ 45 administration costs per person.If we cannot offer the trip you have booked in accordance with your booking, you may of course cancel your booking free of charge.


5.1 Traveler liability

The person who enters into an agreement with us on behalf of or for the benefit of someone else (the registrant or main booker) is jointly and severally liable for all obligations arising from the agreement.Also for all other participants in the trip that he registers.If a minor traveler registers, written permission from the parent(s)/guardian must be sent to us.


5.2 Right of withdrawal

Each individual tour that you book with us is booked as a “definitive booking”.The right of withdrawal expressly does not apply to all our individual tours.The components of the individual tour, such as airline tickets, hotels, etc., are immediately recorded after booking and cancellation costs apply immediately.


6.0 Preferences and essentials

If you have a specific preference or special wishes, we will inform our local agent or the supplier.However, under no circumstances can we confirm such a preference to you, nor can we guarantee that your preference will be honored by the supplier.
If you want to report an essence to us, you must expressly report this to us as an essence.An essential is a condition that our suppliers must meet before the booking becomes final.If you need assistance at the airport, this must also be requested as an essential.The administration costs for a medical essential are  $ 38 /€ 35.You may have to pay a surcharge at your destination for preferences and/or medical essentials.This is the case if there are additional costs associated with the preference or medical essence.For example, consider a special diet.


7.0 Bring a wheelchair or walker

If you are dependent on a wheelchair, walker or other essential aid, you are responsible for determining whether the trip is suitable for you.We cannot estimate your physical limitations and their consequences for your travel experience.We can, however, ask our suppliers for help to make the trip as pleasant as possible for you.You must then inform us very specifically about the requirements you impose on all parts of the trip.The more concrete, the better.
We treat your booking as an essential.


8.0 Your mobile phone number

When making your booking we ask for your mobile phone number.Not only can we reach you faster during the booking process.We can also reach you quickly in the event of an emergency at the travel destination.If we cannot reach you in such a case because you have not provided a mobile number, this is incorrect or if your telephone is switched off,  ThaiGuide4U is not liable for this.


9.0 Number of persons

Each booking is limited to the number of participants stated in the travel agreement.Exceeding this number, regardless of the trip component, can be permitted.


9.1 Bookings from 12 people

If there are more than 12 people in your travel group, we do not have relevant prices on the website.Call or email us.So that we can make you a suitable proposal.


10.0 Children's rates

Children from 2 years of age are eligible for possible discounts if they travel with two full-paying travelers.Under the heading 'travellers' on our website, please provide the correct details of your travel group, including the ages of the children on the day of your departure.The prices shown include all applicable (child) discounts from all our suppliers.
Is there a child traveling with you in your travel group who is younger than 2 years old on the day of departure? Call or email us so that we can make a suitable offer.



Reservation fees

We charge a reservation fee of €45 / $ 48 per booking per person for all bookings.


10.2 Deposit

When entering into the travel agreement, a down payment of 50% of the total travel sum is made.The deposit must be credited directly to our thai bank or dutch bank account. or use your creditcard Visa/mastercard through our payment provider.

10.2.1 Payment costs for international transfers


The following costs will be charged to the customer:

Visa Card and Master Card  has a bank fee 5 %

American Express cards are not accepted through the system.
We are not liable for any extra costs ( refunds,bankfees,conversions and other) done by third parties.

The tours & package prices excludes bank fees charge or any currency exchange charge.


10.3 Remaining payment

The remainder of the travel price must be received by  ThaiGuide4U no later than 42 calendar days before the departure date.You are in default if you do not pay on time.


10.4 Different payment terms

Airlines often require immediate and full payment of the entire ticket price when booking.In that case, we will report this and you must pay the ticket price directly to us.Different cancellation conditions also apply in all these cases.These costs always amount to 100% of the price.


11.0 Departure within 6 weeks

If the agreement is concluded within 42 calendar days before the day of departure, the entire travel sum must be paid immediately.


11.1 Not paying on time

If you have not paid on time, you will receive a free payment reminder, in which you will be given a period of five calendar days to make the payment.If payment is still not made, the agreement will be deemed to have been canceled on the day of default.Thaiguide4U has the right to charge the cancellation costs due.In that case, the cancellation costs, as formulated later in these travel conditions, apply and the amounts already paid will be deducted from the cancellation fees.
If you have not met your payment obligation on time, statutory interest is due on the amount still owed.You are also obliged to reimburse the collection costs incurred.These amount to a maximum of 15% on travel sums up to € 2,500;10% on the next €2,500 and 5% on the next €5,000, with a minimum of € 140.


11.2 Validity of prices and travel

Thaiguide4U works with fluctuating prices, which means that prices may differ depending on the time of booking or the number of travelers.This may be related to the publication of a price promotion/offer with a short booking duration by, for example, airlines, hotels or local agents.Unfortunately, we cannot provide refunds to customers who have booked before or after the booking duration of a short-term promotion/offer.You will find all (booking) options and the most current prices on our website.We reserves the right to change the prices of any trip or travel element on the website on a daily basis including currency or transfer fees.The prices and availability of our individual tours have not been checked for timeliness.
For domestic flights the normal luggage is 20kg and 1 hand bag/laptop 7 kg., More weights must be paid extra which is not included in the price.


12.0 Border documents

We recommend that travelers consult the consular department of the embassy of the country to be visited for the correct border documents.


12.1 Passport

You are responsible for a valid passport and the required border documents.At most destinations, your passport must be valid for six months upon return.See also the practical information per destination on our website.Thaiguide4U is not liable for any costs incurred if you are not in possession of a passport with the correct period of validity.
The passport number you enter when booking must be the number of the passport you use during your trip.Please note that flights with certain domestic airlines can only be booked once the correct passport number is known to Thaiguide4U.


12.2 Visa

A visa is required for travel to many destinations.You can find more information about this in the practical information of the destination in question.You can already apply for this visa for most destinations.
Of course you can also arrange your visa yourself, more information about this can be found under the practical information of the destination in question.
Regardless of how you arrange your visa, you are responsible for obtaining a visa on time.Thaiguide4U is not liable for any costs incurred if you are not in possession of a correct visa.


13.0 Children

As of June 26, 2012, all accompanying children, regardless of age, must have a valid passport.
If not both parents are traveling with a minor child (up to 18 years old) or the accompanying child has a different surname than the adult(s) with whom he/she is traveling, the following applies.You must ensure that the child has an English statement with him or her.This statement must state that the remaining parent (who has the same surname as the child) gives permission for the child to make the trip.The statement must be signed by the remaining parent.A copy of the passport of the remaining parent must be attached to this statement.


14.0 Health


COVID vaccines or vaccination certificates are not required to enter the country. A few diseases like yellow fever, malaria, etc., advising proper vaccination


14.1 Medical care/medicines

In most countries you are used to good medical care.This is not always self-evident abroad.
If you use certain medicines regularly, take sufficient supplies with you.Have your doctor write down the name in English or possibly Latin.If you use opium-containing medicines, you must have a doctor's note written in English with you.Even if your medical situation requires special attention, it is advisable to bring an English-language letter from your doctor.Please also note that treatment methods may differ per country.


14.2 Physical fitness

If you or one of your traveling companions are not in good health, we ask you to contact us by telephone.In consultation with you, we can advise you which travel option best suits your wishes and condition.In addition, we recommend that you consult your doctor about the intended destination and/or route before booking the trip.
Traveling in high altitude areas can make traveling physically demanding.Good physical condition is then extra important.If you have heart or respiratory complaints, please contact your GP before booking.


15.0 Insurances

We believe that taking out good travel (luggage), accident, health and cancellation insurance is a requirement.Good insurance with extensive (abroad) coverage can save you a lot of unnecessary costs and misery in the event of damage, injury or illness.Your own specific situation (such as your destination and the activities to be undertaken there, etc.) determines the required coverage and the desirability of taking out cancellation insurance.


16.0 Travel agreement

The travel agreement is concluded when the traveler books a trip with the status 'request' with Thaiguide4U.After the travel agreement has been concluded, the traveler will receive a final confirmation of the booking and an invoice.


16.0 Travel sum

In the final booking confirmation, Thaiguide4U states the final travel price and what is included.


17.0 Travel documents

You will receive your travel documents no later than fourteen days before your departure, provided that your travel sum has been credited in full to our bank account.You will receive your travel documents by e-mail and contain important information, such as your e-tickets, the contact details of Thaiguide4U and our local representation, the hotel list, the latest known travel and route schedule and, if applicable, the vouchers.You will usually receive additional documents from our local representation after arriving at your destination.Also read this carefully.


18.0 Travel duration

The travel duration is always stated in whole days.Despite the possibility that you leave late in the evening and/or return early in the morning, these days still count towards the total travel time.This is common practice in the travel industry.For the sake of uniformity, we do not have full or half days and this is also stated so in connection with the duration of the travel insurance to be taken out.


19.0 Local representation

On site, our local representation acts as a permanent source of information.A local representative usually speaks English.Our representation can provide you with information about the country, customs, restaurants, special shops and excursions.Before departure you will receive the telephone number of our local representative from us.If you encounter any problems during your trip, we request that you contact our representation immediately.


20.0 Holidays/opening hours

There are various national, regional and local holidays abroad.It is possible that a holiday or special occasion is being celebrated during your stay in the country in question and that shops, museums or other attractions are therefore not open to the public or have limited opening hours.There may also be a limited timetable for public transport.Sometimes it happens that an attraction is closed ad hoc or purely randomly.We did not take this into account when describing the daily program.We cannot accept any responsibility for this.


21.0 Route

The route and/or order of the tour may be deviated from for technical and/or organizational reasons.It may also happen that the opening and/or closing times of certain attractions are adjusted in connection with local holidays, etc.Naturally, Thaiguide4U has no influence on this.


22.0 Luggage

Thaiguide4U advises you to take a maximum of 20 kg of luggage per person.We find a large, waterproof travel bag on wheels most practical.But of good quality.For more information about this, please look at the practical information under the heading 'I am going on a trip' for each destination.
You must always request permission when booking to take extra luggage or luggage of a different size (including, for example, a wheelchair, golf bag or diving equipment).This is due to possible additional costs and the limited luggage space on board an airplane or bus.
There is a baggage allowance for checked baggage on all intercontinental flights offered by us.This baggage allowance varies per airline.There are also differences per route.The guidelines for hand luggage also differ per airline and per route.For domestic flights, there are different provisions for the hold baggage exemption per airline.


22.1 Do not smoke

Smoking is prohibited on board buses, trains and airplanes.This ban now also applies in public spaces and catering establishments in many countries.More and more countries outside the EU are introducing a national smoking ban.Introducing such a ban is not a reason to cancel or change your booking free of charge.


23.0 Weather and climate

On our website we provide information about the climate at the destination for each destination, for indication and orientation.Please note, weather is not climate.Climatologically, a lot is changing in the world.Thaiguide4U cannot be held liable if the local weather conditions differ from what is stated on our website.


24.0 'Private' or 'Share'

All our tours are individual trips.You make your personal travel choice on our website;'Private', 'Share' or rental car for local transport.
If you choose 'private', you will always travel with your own travel group, during transfers, travel routes and excursions.In a car or minibus with your own driver.The car or minibus is tailored to the size of your travel group.During the excursions, and sometimes also along the way, there is an English-speaking guide.
If you choose 'share', you travel individually, usually by public transport.During the travel routes this is a train journey, a comfortable long-distance bus or a tourist bus.The excursions are usually in international company with an English-speaking guide.Most transfers to hotel, airport, train or bus station are 'private', some are collective.


25.0 Travel: accommodation

25.1 Check-in and check-out

According to international standards, you can occupy your room from noon upon arrival at your hotel.Experience shows that many hotels do not adhere to this, because rooms are still being cleaned and they do not want you to occupy a room that is not ready for use.On the day of departure, you should generally vacate your room between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM.You can of course inquire on site whether you can keep the room on the day of departure (possibly for a fee).


25.2 Meals

Breakfast is always included in the hotels.Sometimes more meals, such as lunch during an excursion, are included in the travel price.For each tour, under the heading 'included' you will find exactly which meals are included in the price of the trip.If you are unable to enjoy a meal due to delays or changes in your travel or flight schedule, no refund will be given.


25.3 Room types and beds

Single rooms are scarce in many hotels.These rooms are also often of lower quality in terms of size, location and/or facilities than a double room.However, you almost always have to pay a surcharge on the per person price of the double room.The hotel owner calculates the price mainly based on the space taken up by the rooms and knows that a single room is a scarce product.Unfortunately, this is an international issue over which we have no influence.Beds in double rooms can vary considerably per hotel;two single beds or one double bed where the dimensions may differ per hotel or per room.We have no influence on it.Let us know your preference for the beds in a double room and we will pass it on to the hotels.We cannot guarantee that your preference will be honored.
If you book one room with 3 or 4 people, you will usually stay in a double room with an extra bed or extra beds (folding bed, sofa bed, mattress on the floor or additional bed).Please note that the comfort of an extra bed is often less than that of the other beds.The walking and living space in your room is obviously limited by adding beds.


25.4 Air conditioning

If the website states that a particular accommodation has air conditioning, it will generally only function during the hottest periods (of the year and of the day).An air conditioning or fan is rarely silent, even if the motor of the installation is located on the outside of the accommodation.In practice it also appears that air conditioning cannot always be set individually per room.Due to the high energy consumption, the air conditioning is almost always switched off automatically when you are not in your room.


25.5 Bathroom

The furnishings are often not what you are used to at home.Our experience is that architects and hotel owners worldwide have often given very little thought to the user-friendliness of the bathroom.Let alone that there are standards for how to regulate the temperature of the mixer tap and set it harder or softer.It is not always possible to hang a shower head, especially with a shower in the bath, and sometimes a shower curtain is missing or has been damaged by limescale and soap.Black spots can occur due to the influence of poor ventilation, moisture, soap, shampoo, etc.However, this does not mean that the bathroom is dirty.


25.6 Balcony/terrace

If rooms have a balcony/terrace, you must keep in mind that in almost all cases the balconies/terraces do not offer enough space to stretch out/sunbathe.A balcony/terrace is often only a few square meters in size.We cannot accept responsibility for the dimensions of balconies/terraces.


25.7 Beds

Beds and mattresses are often not what you are used to at home;either (much) too soft or (much) too hard.The beds and mattresses are also often no longer than 1.90 m. The double beds often have different widths, varying from 1.60 to 2.00 meters.The mattresses are also different;a large mattress or 2 single mattresses.We have no influence on this.They can also differ in height.


25.8 WiFi

We state on the website whether there is WiFi in the hotel.Here we distinguish between WiFi in public areas or in the room, and whether it is free or for a fee.It is good to realize that the (constant) operation and speed of wireless internet abroad may differ from what you are used to.The operation and speed of WiFi at your destination is therefore not guaranteed.


25.9 Valuables and/or jewelry

We advise you not to take valuables, such as jewelry, with you when traveling.It is also better to keep the jewelry or watches that you are used to wearing at home every day out of sight.This also applies to expensive brand handbags, pricey cameras and mobile phones.You travel to countries where there is sometimes great poverty and the following often applies: prevention is better than cure.We would also like to recommend that you always take out travel insurance and check whether this insurance covers the loss or theft of valuables.


25.91Water, electricity and sanitary facilities

The tap water in the countries we offer is unsuitable for drinking water.Tap water and swimming pool water may also be salty and/or contain chlorine.Experience also shows that disruptions in water and electricity supplies can occur.The cause of this often lies with the municipal or regional authorities who decide to temporarily close or distribute.As far as electricity is concerned, it is usually due to an overload of the local electricity grid.We are not liable for any inconvenience and/or damage suffered as a result.The hot water supply (showering) and electricity supply are sometimes powered by solar energy.This means that in less favorable weather or frequent use of (hot) water and/or electricity in the accommodation, this facility will not be sufficient. Also from environmental considerations, an unlimited and constant (hot) water supply is not as self-evident. (Toilet) paper is often not allowed to be flushed in the sanitary facilities and you will have to put it in the trash bin.



The use of star ratings gives you and ourselves some guidance about the combination of quality and facilities for a particular accommodation.The star assignment is generally done by the local tourist/hotel organization based on local norms and standards of the country or region.However, there are no international rules for this.As a result, a 3-star hotel in one country can differ greatly from a 3-star hotel in another country.Even differences per country are possible, making comparisons difficult.We always look critically at the stars of an accommodation and adjust them, if necessary, if we believe that a number of criteria are not met.It may happen that the quality and facilities change over the course of a year,as a result of which the classification in question would have to be adjusted.However, we cannot be held responsible for interim changes.


25.93 Swimming pools
In some countries and hotels, wearing a swimming cap in a swimming pool is mandatory for hygienic reasons.Swimming in surfing pants, boxer shorts, T-shirts or with suntan lotion/cream may also be prohibited.To prevent nuisance, ball games and the use of air mattresses, etc. are usually not permitted in the swimming pool.Outdoor swimming pools are often closed by hotels if their use is not suitable due to weather conditions.

Our website sometimes mentions the presence of parasols or sunbeds.The number of umbrellas and sunbeds available is usually not sufficient for the number of guests staying in the accommodation.Demand is often greater than supply, especially at larger accommodations.It may therefore happen that on some days you do not have a parasol and/or lounger at your disposal.


Construction activities

We are informed in advance of major and planned construction activities or renovations in an accommodation.You will be informed about this via our website at the time of your reservation.If the information becomes known after booking, you will receive a separate message from us.However, it may also happen that construction activities or roadworks take place outside your accommodation.Thaiguide4U or the accommodation you have booked cannot accept responsibility for any inconvenience caused by work outside your accommodation.


25.94 Noise disturbance

If you stay in accommodation in the center of a larger city or a seaside resort, you will also have to deal with traffic noise and the sound of outdoor restaurants, bars, discos and religious institutions.Very few hotels in the city centers of the countries we list have soundproof glazing.Traffic noise can cause nuisance, especially at night.We obviously has no influence on this.


25.95 Pests

At our (sub)tropical destinations, the climate can also bring pests.Mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, etc. are common in warm countries.They are harmless if you take the right measures and have nothing to do with the level of hygiene in your hotel.Mice, etc., are also found in wooded areas.Unfortunately, we cannot accept any responsibility for this.


25.96 Mandatory surcharge for Christmas and New Year's dinner

Many accommodations charge a mandatory surcharge for a Christmas and/or New Year's dinner for special holidays such as Christmas (possibly both Christmas days) and New Year.Because these dinners differ per accommodation, we cannot indicate how many courses this consists of and/or whether this is a more extensive and/or an extra festive dinner.These surcharges for dinners are not included in the travel price.


26.0 Travel: transportation


26.1 Conditions of Carriage

If your trip includes one or more flights, the general conditions of carriage of the airline(s) operating the flight(s) apply to those flights.These conditions can be consulted on the website of the relevant airline.The general conditions of carriage are also stipulated by us on behalf of that airline(s) and therefore also apply in the relationship between you and that airline(s).


26.2 Correct name on airline ticket

The name on your flight ticket must match the name in your passport.If it turns out that the name in both documents does not match, the airline has the right to refuse you or charge you costs.In some cases a new ticket must be issued.We are not liable for the costs arising from this.


26.3 Departure times;make sure you are on time

Your ticket shows the departure time of your flight.We advise you to be on time at all airports, so that you do not miss your flight and/or connection due to unexpected circumstances.To check in at the Airport, we advise you to be present 2.5 to 3 hours before departure.The check-in desks always close at the indicated time.After check-in, you must make sure you are at the gate where your plane departs on time.Your boarding pass shows the gate number and when you can board.Usually the time is also indicated when the gate closes and you can no longer board.The closing time of the gate is therefore not the departure time of the flight.Airlines are strict and strict about adhering to both check-in and gate closing times.
Non-stop, direct or with a transfer
If we talk about a non-stop flight, this means a direct flight without a stopover.With a direct flight you do not have to transfer to another plane, but you usually make one or more stopovers.
We also offer flights where you make a stopover/transfer.When booking connecting flights, we always try to maintain a minimum transfer time.However, the airline may advise a longer transfer time to avoid missing the connecting flight.Although airlines maintain strict departure times, circumstances may cause delays resulting in the connecting flight being missed.Thaiguide4U accepts no liability for changes to the itinerary due to delays or other delays caused by airlines.We also accepts no liability for any adjustments to the program and/or additional costs resulting from this.


26.4 Luggage

There is a baggage allowance for checked baggage on all intercontinental flights offered by us.This baggage allowance varies per airline.There are also differences per route.The guidelines for hand luggage also differ per airline and per route.For domestic flights, there are different provisions for the hold baggage exemption per airline.


26.5 Liquids in hand luggage

Due to safety measures, liquid substances may only be carried in hand luggage to a limited extent: a maximum of 100 ml per package and a maximum of 1 liter in total.All this must be packed in a transparent sealable bag of approximately 20 by 20 cm.Remember that not only water and other drinks, but also gels, pastes, lotions and aerosol contents are liquids.This also includes toiletries such as toothpaste, shaving foam, hair gel, lip gloss and creams.Liquids purchased at the airport in tax-free shops will be handed over to you in a sealed bag after payment.Wait until after the last check at the last airport of the outward or return journey before breaking the seals.


26.6 Damage and loss of luggage

If your luggage has not arrived at the arrival airport or has been damaged, you must have a so-called Property Irregularity Report (PIR) drawn up.You must then report to the airline's ground handler.You can see which ground handler this is at the airport.To prepare a PIR report, you need your boarding pass (boarding pass) with the so-called baggage receipt (claim form).You will have received the claim form when you checked in your luggage.So do not throw it away before you have determined that your luggage has arrived (undamaged).Compensation for loss, delay or damage to registered baggage is limited in international treaties to a maximum amount of 1,131 Special Drawing Rights (SDR).The SDR is a currency established by the International Monetary Fund.The exchange rate against the euro changes every day.At the time of publication of these conditions, the amount is €1,275.You can consult this rate at stated amount of compensation is a maximum.It may end up being less.This has to do with applicable treaties and depends on the airports you depart from and where you arrive and the weight of your luggage.If you do nothing, this cannot be deviated from.But if your luggage is worth more than this maximum, you can ask the airline for a higher maximum at check-in.You do this by completing a so-called 'declaration of interest' and paying an additional fee.How much this is varies per airline.The staff at the check-in desk can assist you with this.Valuable and fragile items (such as cameras or jewelry) and medicines must be taken into the cabin as hand luggage.This is due to possible loss or late arrival of your luggage.


26.7 eat reservations and meal preference

To provide extra service for our customers, we can pre-register preferred seats in the aircraft with the airlines that allow this.However, the airline always reserves the right to make changes to this.Therefore, no rights can be derived from such a seat and meal reservation and Thaiguide4U accepts no liability if the preferred seats cannot be guaranteed by the airlines.Sometimes the airline charges surcharges when booking a preferred seat.These costs will be added to your invoice.


26.8 Delays

Delays may occur due to force majeure, such as congestion in the airspace, strikes (including public transport) or weather conditions.If subsequent (public) transport is not possible due to such delays during the outward or return journey, we are not liable for the resulting costs.


26.9 Departure tax and fuel prices

A departure tax may be levied locally at a number of destinations, which varies per destination and per airport.As far as known at the time of publication, it is stated with the trip whether departure tax must be paid.However, the departure tax is subject to change and is subject to change.


30.0 Flights to or via the US and Canada

As of January 12, 2009, you are required to obtain electronic travel authorization through the ESTA Electronic Travel Authorization System before boarding a plane or ship to the US.To apply online, please visit the ESTA website.
We recommend that you submit the application in time (at least 3 days before departure, but preferably immediately after booking) and advise you to take a printout of the ESTA authorization with you for check-in.In most cases, ESTA will provide authorization immediately after you complete the requested information, but in some cases it may take up to 3 days.If permission is not given, you must apply for a visa through the American embassy.
The authorization is valid for a maximum period of 2 years or until the date your passport expires, unless the authorization is revoked earlier.You must update information regarding your address, flight number, etc. per trip.
Travelers without a valid ESTA declaration or without a valid visa will be refused at check-in.Thaiguide4U is not liable if you are refused at check-in.


31.0 Flight allowance

On all airlines, economy class is divided into different booking classes.Each booking class has a different rate.This partly explains why you sometimes paid more or less than a fellow traveler on the same flight.Usually, the earlier you book, the more chance you have of booking in the cheapest booking class.Our prices are based on the cheapest booking class within the airline's economy class.These prices have not been checked for currency or availability at the time of your booking.After booking, we check the current price and availability of the flights included in the trip.If applicable, we will mention the flight surcharge(s) for these flights after booking, by telephone or in a travel proposal.



If we use buses, they are long distance buses or tourist buses.Long-distance buses are often surprisingly comfortable in many countries.Tourist buses differ from long-distance buses because they focus on tourists.Along the way from A to B, stops are made at tourist sights.



If you choose 'private', you will travel by passenger car, taxi bus or minibus, depending on the size of your travel group.The means of transport meet local licensing requirements.



During the trip we will arrange transportation from the airports, bus or train stations to your accommodation and between accommodations, unless otherwise stated in the travel offer.Sometimes the means of transport cannot drive to your hotel, for example if the hotel is located in a pedestrian zone.You may have to walk approximately 50-100 meters (with luggage).Drivers, accommodation staff or other service providers often load and unload your luggage from the means of transport.You must ensure that your luggage is not lost, forgotten or damaged.




35.0 Travel: excursions

The travel offer includes various excursions per trip in the price of the tour.For each trip, see 'included' to see what excursions are included in the price of the tour.For each excursion it is indicated whether it is carried out 'private' or 'share'.In addition to these excursions, you can also book additional excursions on our website at an additional cost.Where possible you can opt for a 'private' or 'share' version.The excursions we offer are carried out by reliable local partners, all of whom have the required permits to carry out the excursions we offer.The execution of the excursions can be adjusted or suspended if local circumstances give reason to do so.You will be informed about this on site.
Excursions offered on site and booked by you are offered outside the control of Thaiguide4U.Local agents are liable and responsible for the execution of these excursions.We accept no responsibility for any damage and/or consequential damage caused by accidents.


36.0 Cancellation, modification and substitution

36.1 Cancellation fees

If an agreement is canceled, the traveler is liable to pay the following cancellation costs in addition to any reservation costs owed:
a. in case of cancellation up to the 42nd day (exclusive) before the day of departure: the down payment but not more than 55% of the travel sum; case of cancellation from the 42nd day (inclusive) to the 28th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 65% of the travel sum; case of cancellation from the 28th day (inclusive) to the 14th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 75% of the travel sum; case of cancellation from the 14th day (inclusive) to the 7th day (exclusive) before the day of departure: 85% of the travel sum; case of cancellation from the 7th day (inclusive) until the day of departure or later: the full travel sum.

If there are different conditions on parts of the travel price, these will be communicated when booking.The percentages mentioned above apply to the part of the travel sum minus the part for which different conditions apply.


36.2 Different cancellation costs

If a trip is composed of different parts to which different cancellation provisions apply, the specific provisions applicable to each part apply.No later than when booking or in a travel proposal, it will be indicated whether, in deviation from the above cancellation fee scale, specific cancellation provisions apply to parts of the trip.


36.3 Cancellation outside office hours

Cancellations outside office hours are deemed to have been made on the next working day.


36.4 Partial cancellation

a. If a traveler from a travel group cancels his share of a travel agreement for a joint stay in a hotel or other accommodation during the tour, he is liable to pay cancellation costs.
b.The travel price will be changed for the remaining traveler(s).The normal payment rules used by the tour operator will apply to payment of the changed travel price.
c.If the change offer is not possible or is not accepted, the agreement will be canceled for all travelers and all travelers will be liable for cancellation fees.
d.The total amount of cancellation costs and changed travel sums will not exceed the total travel sum of the original travelers.Any surplus will be deducted from the new travel price.


36.5 Cancellation by Thaiguide4U

Thaiguide4U has the right to cancel the travel agreement due to serious circumstances.Major circumstances are understood to mean circumstances that are of such a nature that further commitment by Thaiguide4U to the travel agreement cannot reasonably be required.


36.6 Change by traveler

After the agreement has been concluded, you can request that it be changed.This is subject to the condition that you pay the changed travel price, which applies after the change, after deduction of the amounts already paid.In addition, change fees of €47 apply for each traveller
The request will be decided as soon as possible and these changes will be made as far as possible up to 28 calendar days before departure.If a change is not possible, the original agreement will be maintained, unless you indicate that you wish to cancel.The cancellation provisions as described under 'cancellation' then apply.
Changing the departure date or reducing the number of paying passengers is considered a (partial) cancellation.In that case, no change costs are due.


There is always the possibility that one or more changes are made at a relatively late stage before or even during the trip for technical and/or organizational reasons.


37.0 Complaints / not completely satisfied / does not meet expectations

Complaints before the trip

If you have a complaint before the start of your trip, you can immediately notify Thaiguide4U in writing.You can do this by e-mail

Expectations (complaints during the trip)

If your trip is not carried out as expected, please report this on site as soon as possible, so that a solution can be found to ensure that the remainder of your trip takes place satisfactorily.To do this, you must report, in this order, to: our local representative.
If, after reporting your complaint on site, it turns out that it has not been resolved and that it affects the quality of your trip, your complaint will be reported immediately to Thaiguide4U.
If you do not comply with the above reporting obligation and Thaiguide4U is therefore not given the opportunity to resolve your complaint, your possible right to compensation may be limited or excluded.


37.1 Feedback (complaints after the trip)

If your complaint is not resolved satisfactorily on site, you must substantiate it with reasons to Thaiguide4U no later than two months after the end of the trip or after the original departure date if the trip did not go ahead.This can be done by email.We will provide a substantive response no later than one month after receipt of the complaint.If the complaint is not submitted on time, it will not be processed by us, unless you are not reasonably at fault for this.We will inform you about this by e-mail.


37.2 Disputes committee

If your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can, if desired, submit the dispute to the Travel Disputes Committee no later than twelve months after submitting your complaint.

37.3 Force majeur

We are not liable if your tour does not meet your expectations, if this is caused by force majeure.This includes all circumstances over which we have no influence and which cannot reasonably be attributed to us.Examples of this are: traffic on the road or in the airspace, strikes in public transport or weather conditions.


37.4 Mistakes by Thaiguide4U

Obvious errors and mistakes do not bind us.We reserve the right to correct these by adding additions to our website.

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